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San Juan
324 hotels
34 hotels
38 hotels
30 hotels
35 hotels
47 hotels

Puerto Rico

Recently battered by two disastrous hurricanes, Puerto Rico is still reeling from their aftereffects. But the land of Caribbean daydreams and sun-soaked escapades is no stranger to calamity, and its unique brand of Spanish-American influences continues to shine through tough times. Take a peek in its tumultuous history at the many fortresses of San Juan, or seek out a more delectable side of Puerto Rico in its many gastronomic delights.

Find hotels in Puerto Rico compare hotel rates and book the best hotel deals online.

Select the city within Puerto Rico you will travel to e.g. San Juan, Ceiba, Culebra, Vieques, Aguadilla, Mayaguez, Ponce.

Wego will search hundreds of travel websites and return a listing of accommodation options including: inns, resorts, motels, hostels, bed and breakfast and more.